
Monday, October 27, 2014

Whats in a toe angle

Whats in a toe angle?  Here are two foals that would be considered to have a club foot with a toe angle of close to 64 degrees.  However what makes up the angle on the inside dictates what the foot will do and what it takes to manage it.   The foot on the left has a lower bone angle and a  higher Palmar angle.  This is a system that is under higher deep flexor tension rasingbthe heel and palmar angle.  Notice there is more dishing of the toe on the left  radiograph as well.   All indications that the deep flexor acting very heavy on the coffin bone. 

The radiograph on the right has a very large bone angle and lower Palmar angle, and no dishing. 

Palmar angle plus the bone angle will equal the toe angle. 

The hoof on the left will require more attention directed at relieving deep flexor tension via shoeing mechanics (rocker shoe) or surgery (check ligament desmotomy). The hoof on the right will be easier to manage with trimming alone and or low scale rocker shoe to add some foot mass to further protect the fragile coffin bone during development.  

This is why radiographs are so very helpful in managing foot problems.  You will never go wrong gaining specific information about your problem.

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